Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hell yeah!!!

I finally finished the peony garden at the Miller-Kingsland house. All together, I have filled about 6+ large garbage bags of weeds on that little area. I was so covered in dirt, it was great!!! Then I went round to the front to the part I did about a month ago and tidied that up. Next part, the front along the white picket fence. The daredevil in me can't wait to do the part between the road and the fence. Three feet from the road on a death defying curve! I should probably wear flourescent so the drivers see me.

Finished the Brainscan issues. Found out some icky stuff about this distro I loved. Had no idea about the guy. I know there are two sides to every story. But it is interesting that even in the independent areas that I like to roam, there are still shady people. I flashed back to a conversation I had to hear between the guy who runs it and some dope a couple years ago at the Anarchist Book Fair. I just remember feeling like I was being ignored while standing there with my pile of stuff I wanted to buy while this trash-talking conversation went on and on and on.... I thought the other guy was the problem but now I don't know. It wasn't like the distro guy was rushing to end the conversation to help 'lil ole female me.... Ah, better get used to this thinking again... work starts in less than a month. Misogyny here we come!!!!


Anonymous said...

AGH! I was pretty surprised and disappointed when I found out about that whole issue too (through her blog). Felt kind of relieved that I held off on buying anything from the distro, tho.

Also, Alex Wrekk is going to be at BlueStockings on September 29th (along with a bunch of UK zinesters for the Zines on Toast tour)! :D

Vasa said...

Holy cow! Thanks for the information! Now I just hope I remember... duh...