Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Uh oh...

... I have a hunch the school year starts soon. My other teaching friends joke about not knowing the date or day of the week over the summer. The fact is, I am not sure what today's date is and that is okay with me. It is not because I am lazy. It is because I am just relaxing.

My version of relaxing includes squatting in the backyard pulling out all the bad grass by hand. Others would just spray with some terrible chemical. But you know what an environmentalist I am. And anyway, Little Lucy may someday crawl on that lawn... then put her hands or feet in her mouth... and ingest those chemicals. I also finished painting the rails on the back porch, the bottom of the back door sash and the repaired parts of the foundation in the basement. I also took pictures of some lavender sachets I made and hope to sell. used grandma's fabric scraps and my homegrown lavender! I feel I can take a nap that is deserved once I make a decision about what to make for dinner.

Also plowing through the David Sedaris book. Some advice: do not read in public unless you want the people around you to think you are a lunatic and do not read when a cat is sleeping on your belly unless you want your belly laughs to sent that kitty running... I can't tell you how many times I have wiped tears from my eyes reading this book...

Tomorrow's goals: more weeding at Miller-Kingsland and posting more things to sell on Etsy.

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