Monday, August 9, 2010

Finally got to really meet the young'n. Still can't touch her - which I am ok with. I do feel a bit like a leper here... Even hubby is grossed out by some of the rash. I'm not, but gosh, they itch in this heat. I did go to the Miller-Kingsland house yesterday to weed. I so love doing that!!! I got carried away and started wandering among the trees cutting off dead branches. My goal is to get there real early tomorrow morning to finish the peony plot before the sun moves over to that area.

I am trying an herbal treatment for my asthma. I have mullein growing and read the flowers and leaves are good for lung issues, including asthma. So I have been diligently picking and drying. Since I have begun drinking a tea made of mullein and lavender flowers, the asthma has been so much better. Considering the humidity, I am ecstatic! The best part, mullein grows like a weed! Do not have to plant it. Just have to make sure the hubby doesn't pick it before it dies!

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