Thursday, August 5, 2010

Paris, here we come?

Okey dokey people, the new principal said that since it is not a trip during the school year and is not a school trip per se, we can do it and do not need approval! Woo Hoo!!!! So get your butts going and sign up. You can e-mail me of course with any questions.

On the alien news front... Lucy Rose was spitting up green bile. So it turns out her intestines may be twisting or not fully formed. I mean, my sister did go and pop her out a week early so she may not have been done cooking in the oven. Or if it's the twisting thing, well, my family is made up of a bunch of mixed up people anyway, so she immediately fits in. As soon as I get to take a picture of the loony Lulu, you will see it here. And my sister doesn't even look like she gave birth, except if you look at the belly...

At least I have finally met her. She smacked her lips and that was cute. Apparently she was the cutest baby in the unit. The nurses said not all babies are really all that cute - remember the "ugly baby" episode of Seinfeld anyone? - but this one is a winner. I think Pooh and Piglet are sick of seeing me. Actually, Pooh is. Piglet is a shameless hussy who wants to be pet and brushed the whole time I am there.... sheesh.....If the guv ever causes me to lose my job, I think I have a second career in cat-sitting...

Still sending out the show entries. There are many more this summer compared to last summer. I am also in an online show and the judging results are released on the 15th. Oh, and I re-posted some items in our Etsy shop. My allergic reaction is preventing me from doing all the art I hoped to do - some unfinished projects there - so I also bought some ad space hoping to get some sales. My sister will have diapers to pay for, you know!

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