Monday, April 4, 2011

ER again...

So last weekend I go to the ER and this past weekend it was Millie's turn... I will spare you all the details, but let's just say it was like she had the stomach virus I had after the Paris trip... Funny how a mommy knows something is wrong. I awoke at 3 am on Sunday morning and checked on the babycakes and she wasn't right; then by 4.30 stuff - you know, stomach stuff - was happening and I frantically called one number in the phone book and they gave me the number for the place in Fairfield that Shue and other people have recommended.

So we brought her to the kitty ER and they x-ray her and give her blood work and she probably just had a bug. But we don't let her out and we don't wear shoes in the house to track in stuff, so I have no idea how she got sick. I thought she may have eaten a mouse that was sick but no mouse in her x-ray. But gosh, even her x-rays are cute!

So she is much better now. We have her on a bland wet food from the hospital and she's peeing like normal. But no bm yet. But the most important part - no puking. I really hated seeing her sick... I never want to see that again. At least I had my mother check on her during the day so I didn't have to miss a day of work.

But I am getting very stressed at work. I am at my limit with the lack of initiative and drive. At this point in the year, I do not think I should be giving anyone all the answers and solutions. At this point the students should be making independent decisions and I am just not getting that. I am trying to not tell them literally what to do, but they really need to be led by the hand. But how am I helping if I do that for them? Who will do that for them in college and beyond? No one? Just very frustrated and vented to the hubby over dinner out tonight...

But a field trip tomorrow will hopefully pick up the spirits. Bringing the Diana mini and maybe the fisheye and Holga.



( suspect katherine ) said...

So glad to know everything is ... well alright-ish! I saw the title and nearly had a heart attack! Cannot wait to visit and see your students haha!

Vasa said...

Come on by! I need some good vibes!