Thursday, November 4, 2010


The tests did not even take an hour. The needles were like acupuncture. The other test involved sending an electric shock through my hand. That one hurt like heck. The claim from the doctor was that it did not look so bad. Ok, so then why is the pain constant and getting worse. I have a hunch it will be another round of occupational therapy. Woo hoo... it will work for a while then the pain will come back...

Decided to bring the Holga, Diana 35 and the T1i to DC. Oh, and maybe a mint green medium format camera... All packed and Millie knows. She saw the suitcase... There are photo exhibits at the Philips Collection and the NGA. There is also a good one on gender identity at the American Art museum and then all the galleries open for First Friday and the Foto Week festival.

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