Monday, November 8, 2010

DC, how I love thee...

Third annual Foto Week began this past weekend... went to the National Gallery of Art to see an exhibit of Pre-Raphaelite photographs and was delighted to see watercolours and paintings included! Including - oh boy - a piece by Dante Gabriel Rossetti! Oh gosh, and photos of Lizzie Siddell and Jane Morris, and oh, it was just too much! Then on over to the East building and happen upon an unadvertised, not listed Edvard Munch exhibit! Prints and prints and more prints! I felt lightheaded and giddy.... So many versions of Vampire and the Madonna and it was just too much!!!!

Then on over to the American History museum and finally bought the book on photo booth photography... cannot wait to open that baby!

We tried to go to galleries open late for First Friday, but late in their eyes is 8 pm and we barely made it... did see a good one at Hillyer Art Space featuring photographs dealing with Central and South America and immigration within those countries... and by the way, the ginger tea at Teaism is fabulous...

Saturday was my first foray to the Phillips Collection... two photography exhibits there: Pictorialism and Coburn portfolios. Just amazing... so many ideas for the students and just more proof that digital cannot compare to film and older analog methods. And there were so many other amazing works we saw there too and we only made it to half of the building because some is still being refurbished. Just sooo good!

Then off to Georgetown for a visit to Foto Week's Satellite Central. I found my two thumbnails on the wall there... looked at some amazing self-published photo books from the Independent Photo Book Library and the display of other published photo books from the past year. Also saw a nice exhibit in a gallery in Adams-Morgan. The woman makes her own medium format cameras from parts and lenses and such. The images were so dreamy...

Oh and we went to the Punk Rock Flea Market and I bought a couple of books and had an amazing vegan cranberry and pistachio cookie and stood next to the singer of a good band from the 80's! Woo hoo!!! And discovered the beauty of Meridien Hill Park... Hidden DC is just so great!

After realizing I probably wouldn't get into the Bruce Davidson talk at the Corcoran because I did not register, I decided to go to a student photo exhibit at Georgetown University. Underwhelmed is a nice way to put it. Let's just say they do not compare to the PV students! Ha ha...

Then spent the rest of the night night shooting with the T1i in Georgetown... this time I did not try to shoot through peoples' windows....

Sunday in Baltimore.... blissful...

Shot two rolls with the Holga, one and a half with the Diana 35. I sense a trip back in the spring... I can't stay away...

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