Wednesday, November 17, 2010

News to come...

Doctor's appointment tomorrow. Find out the results of the neurological tests. Ironically, the arm and wrist have been hurting like the Dickens.... real bad. I try heat, cold, a muscle rub... all to no avail... sigh...

And can I say that I wish I could get home in less than 45 minutes at least once this week? Car fire, downed power lines... as my family says, the commute form hell...

For the first time, I am offering the Photo I a choice of assignments - motion or portrait. I may regret this, but for the most part, I think they are mature enough to handle it. They seem to have developed very definite ideas of what they like to shoot and I want to test that with this next assignment.

And have I ever mentioned how I love thinking a student is absent only to find out they are not - they just came in and got to work in the darkroom so quickly I never saw them!

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