Friday, November 19, 2010

Aggressive Competition...

So Mr. Meineke and I have similar commutes but his is muuuuch longer. We both agree that lately, the commute stinks. I have always agreed with all friends and family that my commute is the one from hell and that the drivers this far east are aggressive. But there was more to it. Then it dawned on me this morning as I experienced yet another typical driver... they are all acting as if this is a contest.

"I will get in the lane faster than you"

"I will beat you to your exit"

"I will make you feel small and vulnerable with my huge gas-guzzler"

So here is my new name for what I experience on a daily basis:

Aggressive Competitive Driving

And I hate it. Particulary after driving to Green Brook yesterday to pick up the hubby at traffic time. Let me tell you, 287 was pleasant, considerate, smooth sailing! What?!? I know he has to drive 45 minute to an hour each way, but I would love hubby's commute! No one forced me out of my lane to race around other cars, no one gave me the Jersey-stare for ... horror of horrors... driving 65 in a 65, no one rode by butt in the right lane to show his power to get me out of his way when he could have just passed me up to the left........

Ugh... no driving for me ANYWHERE this weekend.

Then at the doctor, nothing! Oh, a mention of something called neuritis... so I have to read what I printed out. Looks like it must be peripheral, obviously not the optic version.... But the neurological tests showed no compression or damage so at least no surgery...

The only good thing yesterday? The Corcoran visit. Oh, how I dreamed of going there in high school only to have those dreams squashed by mother.... but if just one student goes there and makes if her/his dream experience, it will make me happy. Not a fan of the snob schools. I do believe there are many other great art schools and art department out there than the well-known ones in this area. Gosh, Chicago, Oregon, Savannah, and so many other far-flung places that no one looks at! And Britt was to the point and did not mince words. Just what I like. She confirmed some of my beliefs and made me aware of things I did not know. Of course, I also love the fact that all people there are working artists... hearing that yet again! Hint hint....

Sure, this is an opinionated rant but it has been that kind of a week...


( suspect katherine ) said...

glad to hear you wont be needing surgery! i was worried!

although that would give you plenty of time to watch pbs, speaking of which, i wish mystery masterpiece was still on! i want to know what happens with Sherlock already! we must discuss!

Vasa said...

I KNOW!!!! What the heck happened at the end of the last episode? How long will we have to wait to know?!? We certainly must talk!