Thursday, September 30, 2010


Are you familiar with that icky feeling when you touched something sticky and can't get to a sink or sanitizer to clean your gross hands? Well, that was the feeling in 024/026 today. I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the heating workers who broke our best working air conditioner in June and never replaced it. I can almost hear the other a/c weeping and wheezing as it chugs closer to its death as we all melt in the humidity. I even brought my grandmother's beautiful pistachio green '50s fan in today to cool of the darkroom. It was not successful. I go into the rooms with new a/c - 149, 203 - and I feel clean. Back to 026, and I feel like a sticky, disgusting mess. And of course this makes the classes cranky and hard to bear. They all take it in stride - such troupers! - but we need the new unit ASAP!!!!!

A few more students signed up for the Paris trip! Woo hoo!!! And I have colleges lined up for visits. This year is moving along nicely and I love the feeling of being able to be there for the photo people. No crankiness on my part b/c other teachers let their kids out at all times to hunt me down to ask me a question. Now when I am asked a question, I know it will be art-related and relevant.

Oh, and the hubby is seriously considering a Mini Cooper. This is such a big deal b/c we have had our cars for soooooo long and buying a new car - or anything major - is a big deal for us. We are almost allergic to spending money. But my car died June 2009 and his is not able to handle his commute. He will keep Spiffy as a weekend car but get a commute car. That may sound super fabulous, but his GTI is destined to be a classic, if you know VWs. The price we found one for is really good too!!!!

Tonight, relaxing with a ginger beer - real ginger soda, not ick ginger ale and not alcoholic - and Inspector Linley. But first, submitting to two shows. Fingers crossed...


( suspect katherine ) said...


when do you need to know all the paris trip kids by???? i am still chatting it over with my family!

( suspect katherine ) said...

nevermind, i got the answer. its a negative! it conflicts with my summer classes, you guys will be snapping photos and i'll be doing math! have fun!!!

Vasa said...

Oh, but you have been to Russia! So don't feel bad. But you will be missed...