Friday, September 3, 2010

Defeated already...

Tried - like other geeky co-workers (I'm talking to you Meineke!) - to work on the new gradebook portal and I could not login. Considering I was the trainer for the department for this, this is pathetic. I have also been unable to edit a thing in PBWorks from home and I have been trying for a week. Grrr... But what is really going on here is procrastination.

Two years ago my master's thesis was accepted for presentation at a conference held by the School Of Visual Arts in NYC. I was the only high school teacher among college professors in the arts and humanities. It was a great experience. After my presentation, one individual from Toronto had a few critical things for me. I got the distinct impression he did not like the conclusions I drew in my paper. Not that I think he was wrong per se, just that we do not agree.

So I was surprised to get a forwarded e-mail for a proposal of papers for a colloquium at the Ontario College of Art & Design in October. Guess he thought my paper would go well. So I have a great idea for a direction to move in from my original paper, but have been procrastinating writing the 300 word proposal. Don't know why... it doesn't have to be a completed work. The session is informal and they can be works-in-progress. And just like my show submissions, I know I may not get in, but jeez...

So I tried to delay it by working on school stuff... and that did not work out... so I think you and I both know what this means....

Heading off to write that proposal... sigh.....

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