Thursday, September 16, 2010

The cot...

So this week I have thought I am here so much I might as well just bring a cot, a pillow and a blanket. But then I wouldn't see Millie and the hubby. Millie is giving the guilt trips because I have barely been home this week. This morning, she sat on my lap for the first time during breakfast in a while. Then she tucked her paws under - signal that she intended to be there (or keep me there) for awhile. I feel real bad so my plan is to stay home all weekend. I also have a pile of art shows to apply for so that will keep me home.

Doctor's appointment today. I have been getting pain in my right hand and wrist for well over a year now. X-rays were made. Results today. My hand falls asleep a lot when I go to bed. Doc says it could be carpal-tunnel. Could be surgery. That means missing work... and I do not want that!!! So we shall see. I would try to get the work done on a weekend or a day off anyway...

The allergic reaction I got from ragweed burrs is almost gone. That means I can go back to volunteering soon! I drove by the house I have been working on and I realized I am doing a pretty good job! In a way, I don't want them to have a renter/groundskeeper until my work is done! I don't want to not be allowed to do the weeding there! Well, at least if something happens with teaching - cuts, RIF's - I think I could have a new career hiring myself out to weed people's gardens...

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