Sunday, September 19, 2010


*security word*

Lots done today... realized how bad the asthma has gotten because of the trouble I had just riding the upgrade on a rail trail. Pathetic! And both asthma puffers are nearly out of puffs... vacuumed the pool but it was too nice to close it. There was a huge bee that looked like those killer bees. Decided to leave it and let it drown rather than do my usual thing - saving it. Well, stuck my hand in the water, there it was, and I get stung! Nature does not like me this summer...

Some truly good answers to the first assigned visual journal. I also like that many of the students posted images too.

Couldn't go volunteer today because the house was hosting tours today too. I have such an itch to get back there... perhaps one night this week... like Tuesday since I cannot have students stay b/c of a teacher meeting... hmmm.... hope the parents do not find me there... they both caught a nasty case of poison ivy last time...

Tonight's TV adventure: PBS' Masterpiece Mystery Inspector Lewis! Oh, dear, how I love the show! Lewis and Hathaway are soooo cute together. The scenery is to die for! Next visit to the UK must include a stop in Oxford! Nine o'clock cannot come fast enough!

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