Thursday, September 9, 2010


Back to the security words.


...I stop itching?
...I be able to do the weeding at the M-K house without getting stung or picking up a nasty allergic reaction?
...I be able to go there without the parents knowing and tsk-tsking me for putting myself in allergy danger?
...I be able to remember to enter the art shows I have a stack of entry requirements for and not forget all of them? get to be close to 90 degrees one more time to I can swim? swollen arms go back down to normal?
...I be able to walk slowly in the hall now that I don't have yearbook to rush around for?

Beats me what the answers are except for that last one... NEVER! I drive slow but walk super fast! Too much to do...

Time to snuggle with Millie...

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