Thursday, September 30, 2010


Are you familiar with that icky feeling when you touched something sticky and can't get to a sink or sanitizer to clean your gross hands? Well, that was the feeling in 024/026 today. I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the heating workers who broke our best working air conditioner in June and never replaced it. I can almost hear the other a/c weeping and wheezing as it chugs closer to its death as we all melt in the humidity. I even brought my grandmother's beautiful pistachio green '50s fan in today to cool of the darkroom. It was not successful. I go into the rooms with new a/c - 149, 203 - and I feel clean. Back to 026, and I feel like a sticky, disgusting mess. And of course this makes the classes cranky and hard to bear. They all take it in stride - such troupers! - but we need the new unit ASAP!!!!!

A few more students signed up for the Paris trip! Woo hoo!!! And I have colleges lined up for visits. This year is moving along nicely and I love the feeling of being able to be there for the photo people. No crankiness on my part b/c other teachers let their kids out at all times to hunt me down to ask me a question. Now when I am asked a question, I know it will be art-related and relevant.

Oh, and the hubby is seriously considering a Mini Cooper. This is such a big deal b/c we have had our cars for soooooo long and buying a new car - or anything major - is a big deal for us. We are almost allergic to spending money. But my car died June 2009 and his is not able to handle his commute. He will keep Spiffy as a weekend car but get a commute car. That may sound super fabulous, but his GTI is destined to be a classic, if you know VWs. The price we found one for is really good too!!!!

Tonight, relaxing with a ginger beer - real ginger soda, not ick ginger ale and not alcoholic - and Inspector Linley. But first, submitting to two shows. Fingers crossed...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have a prep first period for the first time since I was teaching elementary in Rockaway Borough. Very strange. I am an early riser and get here so early, I feel like the whole morning is a slow rise from sleep to mellow. Then... BANG! Photo!!!! All the photo classes are jam packed and everyone needs so much assistance that it is like a roller coaster ride to the end of the day. Very fun but I feel bad that I have to rush the instructions to everyone in an attempt to get to everyone and get everyone to do things... Still working on fixing this flaw of mine.

So my thoughts of good art versus bad art... I know what I like when I see it... kind of like when I am in a shop and I am asked by the shopgirl if I need help. No, I do not. I know what I like, know it when I see it and that's that. So, back to the art... I also know when I see "art" I don't like. So when thinking about these two questions, I feel my answer is really not about bad versus good. I see it as if it would be considered bad, then I don't consider it art. I can't judge someone's work based on their ability - how some define bad. I can't judge someone's feelings, mood, mindset at the time of the creation of the work. But I do have a fairly in tune b.s. detector and if the supposed art causes that b.s. detector to redline, then I do not define it as art. It may be beautiful and meticulously created, but there has to be substance, and not just interest in wowing people or massive concern for making millions. There was a "photographer" who received a lot of press in recent years for his images of humans with animals. He was so secretive about his methods - suspicious to many - and so full of it in his interviews. But supposed art lovers loved his schtick but I just smelled something funny. So it was not bad art, it just wasn't art at all.....

So there....

Saturday, September 25, 2010


OK everyone... Here is the link to the Paris trip again. Let's get signed up so we can begin the fund-raising and packing. I don't like to leave things to the last minute, you know!

Oh, and even though I cannot reply to all your blogs - you tumblr people! - most of them were quite insightful. I will take tome time tomorrow to post my own answer to journals 1 and 2.

Enjoy the sun.... can't believe I was in the pool on the 25th of September, in the Fall, in New Jersey! Hooray for warmth or boo for global warming?

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have been trying for two years to make a large negative from a 35mm on ortho lith film. After countless experiments, I finally managed to get a good one!!!

At station 11, I put in a good density Kodak TX400 negative from London. After two tests, I did a third at an f-stop of 8, no filter, 20 seconds. No safelight on at the station. Developed in the A/B solution for about 3 minutes. At the last 10-20 seconds, the image appeared like magic! Stop bath and then fixer.... and total excitement!!! I then took the fully fixed film out to wash, and I wanted to do cartwheels but merely squealed with excitement inside!!!! A beautiful, high value, detailed positive. Then I can make a negative or just contact print from this. The best part, it is 8"x10"!!! That means Photo II can make - get ready - large cyanotypes! Completely in the darkroom without needing to use the printer and we save ink by using chemistry and film that is probably nearly as old as me!!! well, not that old...

So, while some of the supplies here may be old, like us teachers, they are young at heart and can still get the job done! I feel like treating myself to a good old cappuccino!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Issues with Holga?

Ok, so some of you are expecting greatness with the Holga from the get-go. Not going to happen! Here is an entry from the NYTimes photo blog you should see:

Note the black halo around the image? Note the dreaminess? It will happen to you too. You just need patience. If you go to my flickr - - the Washington, DC album is all Diana shots. With long-expired Kodak Ektacolor 120 mm film! In the London august 2009 album, there are two Diana images with the same film. See if you can find them. Note: I scanned and edited them.

I have failed miserably with some rolls in the beginning too...

Sunday, September 19, 2010


*security word*

Lots done today... realized how bad the asthma has gotten because of the trouble I had just riding the upgrade on a rail trail. Pathetic! And both asthma puffers are nearly out of puffs... vacuumed the pool but it was too nice to close it. There was a huge bee that looked like those killer bees. Decided to leave it and let it drown rather than do my usual thing - saving it. Well, stuck my hand in the water, there it was, and I get stung! Nature does not like me this summer...

Some truly good answers to the first assigned visual journal. I also like that many of the students posted images too.

Couldn't go volunteer today because the house was hosting tours today too. I have such an itch to get back there... perhaps one night this week... like Tuesday since I cannot have students stay b/c of a teacher meeting... hmmm.... hope the parents do not find me there... they both caught a nasty case of poison ivy last time...

Tonight's TV adventure: PBS' Masterpiece Mystery Inspector Lewis! Oh, dear, how I love the show! Lewis and Hathaway are soooo cute together. The scenery is to die for! Next visit to the UK must include a stop in Oxford! Nine o'clock cannot come fast enough!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

posting madness...

So have managed to check half the posts! Each year the caliber of students taking Photo 2 gets better. Last year was such a high mark, I hoped this year would continue in that same vein and I think it is!

Drove by my project house and they were having an open house. I do hope the people who go there notice all the work I have done on the landscaping. Of course, now that the arms are better, hubby guessed I was probably planning when I would go back to continue the weeding. Perhaps tomorrow? Must wear long sleeves though. I deadheaded and cleaned up one side of our gardens today and my arms were itching like mad! And of course, the mosquitoes find me...

Millie seems just delighted that I am home and barely leaves my side. As I was gardening, she was at the window calling for me to come in. My neighbours must think I am crazy calling out to a kitty, but then, I am not the toothless alcoholic, am I? Oh the stories I could tell. Oh wait, I do tell them! tee hee...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sad times...

I have to close the pool this weekend. That means summer is over. But if I lived down in DC, I would be in the pool because I see they are expecting near 90 degrees! Lucky devils...

Everyone is blogging and photo 1 kids are shooting and things are good because I can focus 100% on photo, not on yearbook. I can give all of myself to the kids who deserve it, not some random senior who ignored his portrait appointment then comes and interrupts my class to tell me I didn't send him the appointment and what was I going to do about that? I am so much happier and having less trouble breathing because of the stress and rushing and the asthma...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The cot...

So this week I have thought I am here so much I might as well just bring a cot, a pillow and a blanket. But then I wouldn't see Millie and the hubby. Millie is giving the guilt trips because I have barely been home this week. This morning, she sat on my lap for the first time during breakfast in a while. Then she tucked her paws under - signal that she intended to be there (or keep me there) for awhile. I feel real bad so my plan is to stay home all weekend. I also have a pile of art shows to apply for so that will keep me home.

Doctor's appointment today. I have been getting pain in my right hand and wrist for well over a year now. X-rays were made. Results today. My hand falls asleep a lot when I go to bed. Doc says it could be carpal-tunnel. Could be surgery. That means missing work... and I do not want that!!! So we shall see. I would try to get the work done on a weekend or a day off anyway...

The allergic reaction I got from ragweed burrs is almost gone. That means I can go back to volunteering soon! I drove by the house I have been working on and I realized I am doing a pretty good job! In a way, I don't want them to have a renter/groundskeeper until my work is done! I don't want to not be allowed to do the weeding there! Well, at least if something happens with teaching - cuts, RIF's - I think I could have a new career hiring myself out to weed people's gardens...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So this rain is sucking the life out of me. Guess most people watch TV on days like this, but we really don't watch TV, so there goes that... Could put in a movie, but I feel I would just fall asleep. Placed a bunch of photos on the work table in the basement to paint and stuff, then walked upstairs and ended up falling asleep with Millie - the cat! - for an hour.

Went to buy stuff to close the pool... not emotionally ready for that... sniffle.

I guess the best thing I should be doing in weeding at the M-K house, but the rain keeps me from being there. That, and my arms are still swollen.....

Not sure we could endure 9 months of this kind of weather in Portland... but then, we would probably have more social things to do than we have here... ugh.....

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Back to the security words.


...I stop itching?
...I be able to do the weeding at the M-K house without getting stung or picking up a nasty allergic reaction?
...I be able to go there without the parents knowing and tsk-tsking me for putting myself in allergy danger?
...I be able to remember to enter the art shows I have a stack of entry requirements for and not forget all of them? get to be close to 90 degrees one more time to I can swim? swollen arms go back down to normal?
...I be able to walk slowly in the hall now that I don't have yearbook to rush around for?

Beats me what the answers are except for that last one... NEVER! I drive slow but walk super fast! Too much to do...

Time to snuggle with Millie...

c a n ' t r e s p o n d

Ugh... Mr. Meluso is soooooo swamped and I really need to be able to respond to blogs here at school. I normally respond at home, but now when I get home I want to dip in the pool - to numb my itchy arms and legs - then nap with Millie to avoid the dreaded 9.00 pm bed time. Grrrrrr.....

So Navajo and Simplicity, I have a response so grab me in class - figuratively Navajo, not literally....

Friday, September 3, 2010

Defeated already...

Tried - like other geeky co-workers (I'm talking to you Meineke!) - to work on the new gradebook portal and I could not login. Considering I was the trainer for the department for this, this is pathetic. I have also been unable to edit a thing in PBWorks from home and I have been trying for a week. Grrr... But what is really going on here is procrastination.

Two years ago my master's thesis was accepted for presentation at a conference held by the School Of Visual Arts in NYC. I was the only high school teacher among college professors in the arts and humanities. It was a great experience. After my presentation, one individual from Toronto had a few critical things for me. I got the distinct impression he did not like the conclusions I drew in my paper. Not that I think he was wrong per se, just that we do not agree.

So I was surprised to get a forwarded e-mail for a proposal of papers for a colloquium at the Ontario College of Art & Design in October. Guess he thought my paper would go well. So I have a great idea for a direction to move in from my original paper, but have been procrastinating writing the 300 word proposal. Don't know why... it doesn't have to be a completed work. The session is informal and they can be works-in-progress. And just like my show submissions, I know I may not get in, but jeez...

So I tried to delay it by working on school stuff... and that did not work out... so I think you and I both know what this means....

Heading off to write that proposal... sigh.....