Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why not!

Ok, people. If these pictures do not entice you, I don't know what will. I received the package of information last evening. Considering the price of airfare - the trip will be after graduation, which is high travel time - and the fact that hotel, transportation, tours, and two meals a day - 2!!! - are included, this is a bargain. The hubby and I could not find better rates for our trips and you know what a penny pincher I am!

So, I am going to e-mail our new principal about liability and all that. This will not be a PV "field trip" per se because it is not during the school year, but it could help you immensely regarding shooting to add to your portfolio, writing - Paris has inspired countless generations of writers - and there is even a flambee making class for us to do!

As usual, if boys want to come, I will make sure there is a male chaperone. If no boys are present, I will not allow a male chaperone on the trip. Check out the link I listed in a prior post and feel free to e-mail me with questions. You know me, checking e-mail daily, even during vacations! Also, check out their payment options.

Au revoir!


( suspect katherine ) said...

is this trip only for recently graduated students? or open for like, say, hypotheically, OF COURSE, students that graduated on June 24th, 2010 and have just finished their freshman year of college and miss their old school/ photography teacher? you know, just wondering. :D

Vasa said...

Well, hypothetically speaking, if there are some super mature, super creative, super worldly former students I miss a lot who would want to go, I guess I could let them go. ;) I just have to make sure with the tour company. Keep our fingers crossed for the ok from them and the new principal!
p.s. you didn't seem like a religious freak to me. :)

( suspect katherine ) said...


hypothetically of course.