Thursday, July 8, 2010

So Millie, the hubby and I made it through without melting... and I go to my Historical Preservation meeting expecting no one to come out in this heat... and we have three applications and one of them just doesn't get the regulations and wants to obviously make his storefront look like a cheap disaster and he's not getting the gist of the help we are trying to give him and I keep looking at the time knowing hubby is waiting for the Coolatta and I am dying to go in the pool.........

Longest meeting in a long time and I constantly think, "If the people who work for this town did the jobs they are paid to do, we would not be dealing with this." But, according to dear Carroll, Morris County works very efficiently and there is very little waste in the town halls, blah, blah, blah.... According to him, the problems are places "we" pay for, such as Newark. Grrrr..... translation - those wretched poor people and those immigrants who suck the state dry. Oh, dear.... The design committee has invited the alderman who junked my litter code revisions to discuss the so called lack of a litter problem when we have our meeting next week. Oh, I am so ready to talk to a politician....

On another note, Mother calls from Rome complaining that she likes the small towns better - duh, that's where you grew up - and the city is so hot - duh, Italy in July - and everyone smokes - duh, it's Europe - and so crowded - duh, schools are closed and families on holiday. I should have told her to spend some time in the Catacombs to cool off, but she may have taken that the wrong way.

Buuut... I realized I really like being in the pool at night with a Coolatta in my hand. Not quite swimming in a luxury pool at a resort with champagne in my hand, but my kind of fun none-the-less...

And, a breakthrough with the art. I decided to go in the basement to cool off and there are the photos, paint brushes and paint. So I tried something I have been thinking of and really liked it. So now the creative juices are flowing and I feel better....

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