Thursday, July 15, 2010

Workin' for nothing...

Have I mentioned how much I like volunteering? I already volunteer with our local Main Street organization. I have helped rewrite codes and we just gently nudged the town politicos to rethink their refusal to adopt the litter codes we redid. tee hee...

I also am a member of my town's Historic Preservation Commission and I tend to do mock-ups of improvements to signs for people opening businesses and such.

And I now do weeding at this property the town recently bought. It was a fight to get it from the icky developer that bought it and wanted to subdivide. So we went to the open house there in June and I thought the grounds were in poor shape. I know the ladies who are taking care of the grounds are busy with other things too and I know there is a ton of poison ivy there. I don't get a reaction from the ivy. Sooo.... hubby asked someone if I could do the weeding there and.... they said OK!!!! I spent two hours this morning and it was so much fun. I did this one flower spot in the front of the house. I unearthed some nice ferns. And the cool thing was I was so close to the house that I could smell the old house, old wood smell you get in very old homes!

We are having a garage sale at the parents' tomorrow and Saturday. When I get sick of the nasty hagglers, I can saunter on over to the house - plastic bags and garden tool bag in hand - and just work, work, work. Then I can walk back to the parents' house and jump in the pool. Perfect!

The president is right - everyone should volunteer. It feels great and is so much fun! Of course everyone else thinks I am crazy for taking on a project like this. But then, I never said I was all that sane... tee hee....

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