Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ugh, politicians...

I send lots of e-mails to politicians. I mean, they are elected by us - some of the time - to represent us so they should be willing to listen to us, correct? So I received an e-mail back from only one of them regarding the proposed lower tax cap. Dear Mr. Carroll is not a nice man to say the least. Towing the party line and from what I gleaned from his responses to me - because, being the kinda gal I am, I responded back to him, but I am now giving up the back and forth because a. he is ignorant and b. I don't believe he is interested in any opinion other than his own - against public school teachers - obviously waaay different than private school ones - against immigrants - did not know he was a Native American - pro keeping your special needs person at home - you figure out how to work and take care of that person! - and so on. I couldn't even sleep last night this whole thing bothers me so much. I have about had enough of paying high taxes, being told I am a greedy bastard for wanting a fair wage for such an important job and battling my town leaders to just do the ones they are paid to do.

I never wanted to live in NJ my whole life, yet here I am, three weeks from my 37th birthday and here I live, in NJ. I don't want to stop teaching - I love what I teach and being in the classroom with the kids I get - but a part of me wishes I could hit the rewind button and just get the hell out before I met all those great people and made a place for myself that I liked. Damn, I have also put so much into my house and garden! We go to Portland, Oregon in two weeks. In a way, I hope we love it so much that when either one or both of us loses a job because of Christie, we can say "Portland, here we come!"

But then that means it is that much further from flying to Europe - my new addiction - and then far from the alien/parasite that is growing (aka niece to be).

Of course, in one moment of desperation recently I found a nice cottage in Hungary listed for the equivalent of less than $30,000. Decisions decisions...

End of rant.


Anonymous said...

Carroll! That's the guy we spoke to! At first he didn't seem like too much of a jerk. But then we got to the subject of Christie's comments on how teachers use students, and he didn't really say much. He just offered up some generic, "You kids go ahead and take a stand" 'encouragement'/empty words. We asked something like, "would you encourage other politicians to take students seriously?" Aaand, he didn't really answer..

In retrospect I just don't think he wanted to get into a serious discussion with us kiddies. We pushed and pushed and really told him what we thought and asked questions, but he kept his distance and gave pretty bland/vague responses. Jeeze. Don't let The Man get you down, Vasa!

Vasa said...

Thanks Millie. He did get me down. Grrr.... But then I found out that all 8 periods of Photo are full to 20 next year and they need to figure out where to fit the Photo 3 people! Yay!!!