Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thank you...

from the bottom of my heart to the jerk who lit off a loud firework and many firecrackers at 3.50 am. I thought Momma Sweeney was finally blowing up (my white trash neighbour smokes and uses gas-powered lawn equipment at the same time!), but no, it was just the local dips. Sounded like a bomb going off...

I have been on major Gimpy duty with the parents in Italy. A friend of theirs can do some morning before he goes to work but I am the only one who can give the honey the attention she needs - no, demands. So I spend much time cleaning up my parents' dismal gardens. Dad cannot do any weeding because of the broken collarbone and mom's poison ivy issue keeps popping up - I think it is psychosomatic. So, yet again, depend on me. Perhaps that is why my mother was speechless when I mentioned selling the house to Mandy when ever hubby and I decide to move. She won't miss me as much as the work I do around their house!

I may never get teacher of the year - don't kiss the right butts and some voters do not like me - but I think I get house- and garden-keeper of the decade!

The agenda for the fourth? Gimpy check (morning and evening), swim, bbq in town at Matt & Brian's, and make sure Millie is ok when the local dopes shoot off fireworks tonight. I will call the cops this time. Hopefully the idiots can find the house this time. Dunno, but I think the fireworks debris in the yard was the giveaway, but that's just me.

Oh, and did some photo work. I like to do things to old pictures from undergrad days. Tried a few experiments. They were so disgustingly bad... need a few days to recover from the disappointment. Really, some students think their stuff stinks? This was an experiment gone from bad to worse. Ugh... I should just stick to what is me, not try anything that doesn't feel natural. So next thing will be felting organic shapes and attaching them to bones. More more satisfaction. Also entered a boatload of shows last week. I haven't been in one for a couple months so I need to get cracking on that.

Sister gave me old photo magazines Friday. The reading deserves a post of its own...

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