Thursday, February 3, 2011


Going out to dinner with a bunch of former or soon to be former volunteers from our town group. This should be fun. Hoping we end up starting some guerrilla town improvement group that does not focus on soliciting donations solely for supplementing the Executive Director's salary...

Really angry with the lack of ambition and drive with some Photo II and III kids and let them have it today. I saw the usual swift ones smiling knowingly... but what will it take to get the others to be self-sufficient and adhere to deadlines and come up with stellar ideas that blow me away? Others in the class are doing it so it is not me, at least not completely. I do have to try to find another angle...

Hung the TAJ show today with Demsey... I think the photos are super! Our kids better get awards!

But oh how I wish the black matte board didn't disappear then - whoa - re-appear. Sticky fingers, drama, and enough to just make you laugh at the immaturity of it all...

No place is like PV, I'll tell you that...

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