Friday, February 11, 2011


Last night was the reception for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards at the Montclair Art Museum. Finally met THE Sassy Grandma! I could definitely tell I was in the presence of coolness and sass... just what I like in a grandma. My favourite memory of my grandma was the last time hubby and I visited her and we got to talking politics. She stomped her cane on the ground she was so angry about a certain politician! Now that's sass! I hope I end up still being that independent and individualistic at that age...

I was soooo impressed by the drawings and most of the paintings that received Gold Key awards. The photos - well, digital is clearly the way to go. The only other thing that seems to impress them in alternative processes. I wonder if the judges can tell whilst judging that there is a difference in analog and digital? Hmmmm....

It was a packed house, as usual and I offered up my seat to students/families twice and thus ended up waaaay in the back (with someone with perpetual gas near me! ugh) but at least I stayed the whole time, not like those who left... Like a person who leaves mass right after Communion.... tsk tsk...

Last night I ordered the euros for the trip next week.... sooo excited...

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