Monday, May 5, 2014


Last week's special moment.... A student who stopped talking to me for two days because he hated digital so much said there were some cool things that could be done in Photoshop.  Once he gave it a go, he liked what he saw.  Yay!!!

Then it was a rotten Thursday.  I am meticulous when I prep the work for Art Show.  I cut each matte to size for the individual photo.  Then I pile them paired with their mattes so when I assign students to tape the work into the matte, they just grab a set and tape.  Some(one) did not do that, grabbed willy nilly form the pile and messed the whole shebang up.   UGH.  Then I hit the worst traffic on the way home from picking up the cameras.  I despise driving in this area and that commute made it so bad.  I woke up the next morning, showered and just did not feel right.  I have been feeling wildly exhausted to the point of feeling dizzy.  So I called out.  Badly needed.

Then I spent the next two days working like crazy in the garden.  I have so many little weeds to pull from the grass before hubby mows the lawn.  I don't want the tops just lopped off.  I want to pull the weed.  They are those little tree sprouty thingys.  My arthritic finger is so swollen and sore today.  But, damn, the garden is looking good!  I am hoping my seeds are in the mail today.  Must get those babies started in the basement.  Still too cold to plant outside.

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