Monday, May 12, 2014


So a former student is arranging a massive donation of equipment from his college.  They decommissioned the big darkroom and we are getting the enlargers and possibly timers and station furniture!  I was there until 5 o'clock on Friday looking at the stuff and talking.  What an eye opener into that program.   Oof.....

I have one hell of a week....

Today, curriculum revision, faculty meeting, then helping my friend move more of her stuff out of her place.

Tomorrow, another three hour slot on my old college radio station.  Listen at WMSC 90.3 FM from 4-7.  I loaded all the vinyl onto CD yesterday so it will be at least 50% music originally from vinyl - they have no turntables.  So excited to have another three hour slot.  I guess they like my music.  Tee hee... The guy who does the schedule said he liked what I was playing and he's a DJ.  Maybe if the Loop in Passaic needs a fill in, I could do it.  That's where he DJ's sometimes.

Then a political meeting on Wednesday.  A guy ran for Alderman in our town and can't even make it to the meetings.  So we have to find a challenger.

Then an ScIP meeting on Thursday.  The department has some concerns I have to bring up....  I doubt they will like that, but, hey, that's why I am on this team.

Then a former student coming on Friday, if I can still stand and stay awake.

Then on Saturday, the Anarchist Book Fair in NYC.  I can't discuss my politics....  But it is a great place to get independently published works, see art, talk to people, and other stuff.  So many zines and books from good presses.

And last, on Sunday, my nephew's second birthday party.  I do not like my brother-in-law's family and I have a hard time hiding my feelings.  My sister recommended I attend the kids' party in the am.  I like that group better and I know two of the parents.  They a better people.

Phew....  I have no idea how I will manage, but I will.  Millie will not be happy, but I will make up the lost time with her.

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