Friday, February 17, 2012


Some people I know have had nagging coughs for at least a month.  I am now feeling drippy & sluggish, have a sore-ish throat, achy body, no fever and the beginnings of a cough, accompanied by some phlegm this morning.  So a four day weekend is welcome.  Some snow would be welcome too, but that's another story.   All feedback is that this is a drug resistant virus that just needs to work its way out.  So I will treat the symptoms with whatever here herbs I have.  On that note, two veggie and herb seed catalogs have come in the mail recently.  I am so excited to garden this summer and considering they abysmal weather, I am considering moving to more herbs and squeezing the veggies closer together, since the weather has lowered my yield the past two years. 

I love perusing the catalogs, marking what I want, then planning the plantings.  I also like that what I grow saves me a ton of money on vegetables, fruit and medicine.  In spending about $5-7 on herbs that treat my asthma, I no longer need to spend a lot more on inhalers!  Hell yeah!!!

 Millie bonus:  she keeps me company when I feel sick...

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