Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So I had to call out yesterday.  Sick as all heck.  On Monday night, while I was on the computer, I started to get chills and achy - the only other time I felt like that was when I got the flu when teaching in Rockaway Borough.  I sucked it up and got up the next morning and prepared for work.  After eating breakfast, I realized I couldn't do it.  So I left everyone in the lurch for the day.


Millie knows when mommy is not feeling well.  She slept with me on the sofa all day!!!  She's so great.  Not feeling much better today, but I want to go to the Scholastic Art Reception tonight, so here I am.

I have been doing more research into new projects for Photo III.  I changed some things this year, but I want to get a pattern going with how the year starts besides just the Artist Statement.  I found a few things that may help.

I scheduled the Vasa trip to Prague and Budapest for our spring vacation.  So I am trying to teach myself some very basic words and expressions.  And Czech and Hungarian are nothing alike.  It's quite fun!  I found a couple of nice websites with audio, so I practice at home.  Hubby thinks it is hopeless for him, so he just will defer to me when we are there.

I did find out that there will be a super photo exhibit opening in Budapest at the and of March.  I am very excited for that.  And, there are also a few veggie places.  Which is amazing in two very meat heavy countries!  Now to start selecting cameras for the trip!

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