Sunday, January 24, 2010

They were the worst of times...

I am having trouble finding the best of times...

Didn't go to the city, but ate very well at Park & Orchard...

Tried in vain to stay on happy topics, but with three teachers and one social worker, not an easy task. Found out that yesterday's news - great Gossip song, by the way - was that our new guv wants to freeze teacher slalries. No raise. Um, can we be treated with any less respect? I am not naive, I know - as in any profession - that not all employees are equal in effort on the job. But I do believe there is a better way than to take an already underpaid, under-appreciated group of people and pay them even less. Great for morale at a time when some of us have spouses losing jobs, kids on the way or to feed now, and many other issues. The state social workers have a pay freeze with the stipulation that it will be paid retroactively when the freeze is up - presumably when the finances are better. Have not heard anything about that being a part of this deal. We shall see... but we will keep on teaching our students as best as we can...

Yet another way America can learn from other countries. Teachers are valued, appreciated, seen as a positive part of society. In America, I see more negativity about public school teachers than positive. When will this end? Our supervisers, principals and superintendents value us; why can't the general public?

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