Saturday, January 23, 2010

Diana... I love thee... Just finished my Dianalogues book. What an inspiration. Wich we had the budget to buy lots of photo books for the classes. Plan to take pictures this weekend. Really like the prints from my T1i. Was the recipient of a free 11"x14" print and used the snapfish treat on a green monochrome from the Canon. Love it!

Anger brewing in the cafe this week... strange how that comes in waves... fights or more accurately near fights... why can't people just be nice to each other, respect each other, not be so confrontational? People would rather yell, argue, tell off, or punch than ask politely for clarification or discuss things in a mature way. I know that the students are young, but I can't help but think that these are learned behaviours, and the adults around them - school and home - do not lead by example. I am so not used to this sort of confrontational behaviour that it always flusters me. I so prefer to sit them down and talk it out, but that is not the PV way, the NJ way or, sadly, the American way I guess... Fight first, ask questions later. And I truly believe it stems from a selfish, me-first, lack of respect for each other. Luckily, most of those I get in Photography are not this bad.

Going out with our Fort Lee residing friends tonight. Clear night in the city. How many cameras shall I take? We shall see...

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