Thursday, October 1, 2009

No thanks...

I had a disturbing conversation today, eighth period. The principal was urgently looking for me. Wanted to know why we need the film portion of the photo program. I briefly explained why - as I had before when they gave me the program. He said ok. But I have many thoughts about this...

This is coming up when they are looking to send the course books to the publisher. That means they want to dump the darkroom for next year. The reasons could be they want the classroom space, they want to spend less money, or someone who knows that film is the main reason for the popularity of the class wants to kill the program.

Here's my thoughts...Film and digital are near equal cost-wise. Film has great costs related to consumeables, but the priciest things - the equipment - last a long time. Many of the cameras and enlargers we have are older than the kids. Digital equipment is obsolete so quickly, the equipment replacement costs will skyrocket. And if the kids do not have film prints to take home as completed projects, they will want something tangible from the digital. That means lots of real expensive ink and paper for the Epson and sooner than expected replacement or adding another printer.

I was given this program because it was driven so far into the ground, guidance had trouble filling one period. In one year it went up to three periods - limited because of my two periods of yearbook - the following year four, then the third year they needed to get another teacher. We have eight full periods and rumour is that we could fill 10. That is not on digital alone. I built this program up - as I was asked to do - and I did it with a combination of film and digital.

I am amazed at how just when I feel good, there is someone or something ready to slap me in the face here. I sacrifice so much of myself for this place and get no thanks... The only ones who are thankful are the students.

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