Monday, November 30, 2015

So the only reason I am here is because there is a department budget meeting today.  If I do not show up for this, my program will be raked over the coals.  I started teaching Sculpture at this school in 2002.  After four years of that, they moved me to Photography (a long and complicated story of power play and revenge, of which I was merely a pawn).  Photo was a part of the Business/Technology department, as was its budget.  Once the program was given to me, it was moved to the Art department, as was its money.  B/T lost the money, Art gained it.

However, to this day I still have to deal with the "Photo eats up a lot of the Art department budget" bullsh*t.  Year after year, the same old sh*t.  One would think that seeing the dollar allotment increase upon movement of my program would have helped my colleagues understand that I am not sucking money from them, but no.  It's like the people who say that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts on the black market.  You can disprove the claims any number of times, but the lie serves their purposes much more and is more readily believed.  So, here I am, nose dripping, trouble breathing, nasty cough, and psychedelic phlegm.  Because when it comes to what is best for the kids, I am the only one who will look out for them and their Photo program.  When the budget fight comes up, I am left alone while some people chew me out for "taking" their money while others stay silent.  Sigh.....

As if I do not have enough stress and disappointment, I am making the In School Suspension proposal again.  Yes, third time.  With our new Super, I think this might be the time that my proposal is actually read and considered.  I have spent the morning looking up more research on the benefits and the best practices.  There is a lot out there.  One thing I found - that I love - is a sort of community service alternative to Out of School Suspension.  So, I have saved or printed a number of new found research pieces.  I am not deluded in thinking that ISS is the only solution, but it is a better solution than shoving the kids out of the building with loss of instructional time.  I know there exists a peer type of program here.  However, considering I am one of the teachers that gets the "problem" kids, I have never had a student who has experienced that program.  So who benefits from this?  Beats me, but it sure isn't anyone I know.  I think the time is ripe for some things that benefit the kids who the old guard wanted pushed out.

One more thing....  While talking to hubby about the amazingly friendly, positive classroom atmosphere and the attitude of the kids, he brought up a great point.  This was the first year we started without the figurehead.  I know the kids were not fond of him.  The feeling they got from him was one of condescension and nastiness.  Not many thought he was a nice person.  Some kids noted how he would talk down to them if correcting them.  Just as we breathed a collective sigh of relief upon his departure, I think the kids might have too, just without being cognizant of what was happening.  Could this man's demeanor and way of running things really cast that much of a pall over the vibe of the school.  Absolutely.  I know lots of people think things will never change.  I will say this...  Those pulling the strings in this district will probably pull the plug on any massive changes when push comes to shove.  But while the current leadership is doing things that help the mood right now, I will enjoy it while it lasts.

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