Sunday, June 8, 2014


So with only four students in seventh period, Friday's class turned out pretty cool.  They are all moving along nicely with their final assignment.  We reviewed sample images from past years...  Then we got to talking.  I have no idea how this happened, but I like when it does.  So many topics covered, and the kids just took the reins.  One student commented that the US is headed towards Communism.  Based on what he was saying, I had a hunch he was mistaken in his choice of -ism.  We clarified what Communism entails.  I read him the definition of "oligarchy" and he said that what what the US is really headed towards.  Then another student chimed in about the inequality in the country and how it is getting greater.  She was so fired up.   Her father was unemployed for two years and she talked about how welfare helped him. She understood unemployment assistance as welfare, like in other countries, and sees the value in it.  She was saying that we should take care of each other.  Then she commented that the Scandinavian countries have it right.  The other kids agreed.  Talk moved to social programs and such...  Then they started talking about cancer research and the pharmaceutical industry.  They view it as more money maker than life saver.  Whoa.

I was floored.  Where was this coming from?  I told them I can't give them my opinions, but I did interject as devil's advocate.  The thing is, they all clearly came to these conclusions based on experience, not what someone told them.  In this group were students who: have family in Kosovo, have lost family to cancer, have endured unemployed/ disabled parents, no income, near homelessness.  None of them knew this about each other.  It was such an invigorating period.  And the best part is that they all plan to take Photo III next year.  I will file this discussion in my mind palace for future use next year.

And then talk moved on to the zombie apocalypse, and I remembered that I am in high school.  Ha ha...

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