Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I went to a workshop last year.  It was on zine making for your art students.  I was so excited.  I have tried to give a zine making assignment before - when I taught yearbook.  That crowd did not get it at all.  So I decided to try it again with the Photo II classes.  I started the assignment on Thursday.  Most of the kids had that deer in the headlights look.  I played a video that I found that I thought would appeal to them - not dry at all.  One fabulous student was even bopping his foot in time with the music!  He was the only one who got it right away.

Trying to get a group of people who only know mass produced items for ready consumption is hard.  I want them to understand that there is a whole culture that is more self-sustaining, exploratory, interested in things that matter (like local matters, unknown cultures, relevant issues, etc.).  After the end of the periods on Thursday, there were mostly blank looks.  Each day I have brought out my small sample of zines from home.  I let them look, peruse, question.  I liken this to mom and pop stores versus big box stores. They can grasp that because quite a few have family that run or work for small businesses.

We have spent the last couple days mostly sitting and talking.  It might look like nothing when someone walks by, there there was a lot going on.

And so, finally, at the end of seventh period yesterday, I could confidently say that they get it.  Phew...  Trying to get my kids to know and understand about something previously unheard of and not related to their own pop culture is tough.    So far, I am surviving.

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