Wednesday, September 26, 2012


So I sit here with a box of files next to me.  Those files are from the historic organization I am doing voluntary scanning for.  I will be scanning all their documents into searchable PDF files to help them build their resources into something that can be posted on their website.  I am doing this for free.  I say this because I realized that the number of us who volunteer is minimal while the number of those who depend on what we do is immense.  Not that those dependents don't have the time to volunteer a little bit.  They do.  They would just rather spend it watching inane crap on TV, shopping for cheaply made garbage they don't need or doing who-knows-what.  I wish schools could require volunteerism as a part of graduation requirements.  I think the world would be a better place if people knew how to give of themselves instead of just taking.  Don't get me wrong... I love volunteering.  I am just getting a little tired of seeing the same faces putting in the time and getting the message from non-volunteers that we still don't do enough.  I try to talk to the students about the volunteering I do, but I think they see it as another one of my quaint little quirks.  Too bad....

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