I also plan to try to get something... anything out of all the Ortho film we have. I have tried in the past, but I think I found a better how-to. And I will follow sister's advice and do the exposure and developing with no safelight.
I also found a box of 4"x5" sheet film! All this time I thought it was a box of bulk 120 - if they exist - and figured I would crack that open when the individual rolls ran out - there are rolls that expired before the kids were born! Well, lo and behold, I open it in the changing bag and it is sheet film!!! Woo hoo! Now I don't feel so bad having to cut it from the budget. Granted, this box expired in 1981 - great year! - but what the heck. At least it's not colour film - total deterioration. And I have been having kids print on waaaay expired Kodabromide and with these budget issues, you gotta do what you gotta do. I've been working with expired stuff since I took over this program...
Now I just need more donations. A lovely from period one donated a hair dryer. I can get sheet glass from my parents' basement - that's a whole other story - and now I need:
- varnish
- dark pray paint
- clear acrylic gloss medium
- acetate - had some donated from sis but need more
- plexiglas
- polymer clay - any brand
- art papers
- old oil paints
- dark pastels - oil and soft
- photo bleaching solution
- any film cameras
If camera or darkroom equipment is donated, I can type up a receipt for tax purposes. The man can't keep us down!!!