Wednesday, November 28, 2018

At a time in which I feel I am fighting for my darkroom's existence, I forgot another community darkroom is opening.  The Halide Project - a gallery and workshops group - in Philadelphia is opening one.  I really like this group.  I met them at the Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market some years ago.  they were doing tintypes or some other alternative process on the spot.  I talked to them and arranged to have my students come for a gallery viewing.  We did so after a trip to Eastern State Penitentiary.  I loved it.  My kids were less than enthusiastic.  Very rude  Nevertheless, I have stayed on their email list.  I had completely forgotten about them opening a Philly area community darkroom.  If you have the money to spare, donate to one of these.  The continued life of analog is important.  I have had a few conversations lately about the differences between film and digital prints and I just wish everyone would see there is room in the art field for both.

So I took yesterday off because I had a friend in need of help.  I also went to a new doctor on Monday.  My previous doctor had put me on a new medicine due to the stress at work.  It has not helped at all.  I want to get off it.  This new doctor is taking be off it.  So when a friend says he needs a favour from me, and my mental state is not well, I took yesterday off.

I have a proposal for any administrators reading this:  Create a work climate survey taking into account morale and mental health.  This place sorely needs it.  A number of us are on medication or therapy.  While some of us probably have mental health issues that existed to prior employment, a number of us have had issues exacerbated by the actions of our administration and colleagues.  I would venture to say that this is a hostile work environment.  I know that there have been teacher suicides in Paterson and other stressful places.  I fear it is only a matter of time here.

So yes, I took yesterday off.  What I had to do was more beneficial for me and the other individual than any day in this horrid place.  I love my kids, but the environment is killing me.

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