Monday, October 15, 2018

So basically this is my theory:  Move the last one hired in our department to the Technology Department; fire the next three (that includes me); move a guy into our department or move her back to our department; keep the first one hired; end up with an Art Department of two people.

The last woman hired has been given the Web Design class to teach.  She has been directed to get her Technology certificate.  She would be the first one fired but if she is moved to another department temporarily, then the last one hired in our department changes.  They already RIF'd one person so they have no barriers to RIF others in the department.  They can fire three of us.

There is a teacher who is going for a certificate in media, film, and digital photography.  If he is doing this, they can move my class out of art and into technology and have him teach it, while scrapping the darkroom.  I lose my job.  They can then move the last one hired back in the art department, leaving them with two proper art certified teachers for the whole school.

There are claims left and right that money is tight, but they are spending money all over the place.  They removed a person from and administrative position and had to offer him his old teaching job back.  There are too many teachers in that department.  Someone should have been let go but due to the political connections of the last two hires, they could not do that.  So the department is overloaded and teachers are not teaching full course loads but getting full time pay.  But they RIF'd an art teacher.

Is all of this coming from the little man?  I do not know.  I do know that I had a couple of conversations with people familiar with him.  He did not leave anyone with good feelings in his past district.  As a matter of fact, the look of horror on people's faces when I bring up his name should be enough to make you wonder why we are dealing with him here.  He was run out of his district and the rumour is that the state fired him.

I am tired of this place's games.  I am depressed and having a hard time getting up each morning.  The time from 6.00 am to when I start seeing kids is so hard for me.  The treatment of us is abominable.  I am on more medicine due to the stress and anxiety.  I do believe there are a number of us teachers that could start a mental cruelty lawsuit here.  I have never worked in a place like this, ever.  I am so sad and angry.  I need people to talk to about this who are neutral but no one wants to listen.  I do not want to talk to colleagues because we are all going through the same thing.  I am either on the brink of tears, about to punch a wall, or numb to it all.

I think I will go and write some college recommendation letters.

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