... kept me up last night. Not the scary killer on Sherlock Holmes, but the hand.... Talked to a friend of the family about his cubital tunnel syndrome. Looks like that is what I have. He had same symptoms. Called the orthopedic doc today and the next step is the neurologist and nerve tests. Oh boy... needles, impulses, etc... At this point the hand tingles almost all the time and falls asleep easily.
The Sherlock Holmes on Masterpiece Mystery was sooo fantastic! It is set in modern London but not hammy - the way the Robert Downey Jr. version appeared to be - and it had us guessing the whole time. I just cannot wait until the next episode Sunday night!
I spent an hour hunting down other shows to submit to and made one submission and will be making others. I also need to update my website, but that will be for another day... need to also rid my head of this shoot I want to do, but just do not have the block of time to set aside for it.
So, with the hubby home, it is now time to put the dust particle respirator on and dust the house. The only way to dust without getting a massive allergy attack. Need someone else home while I do this so Millie doesn't get the bejeezus scared out of her when she see's me...
I asked my mom, she wasn't familiar with the name you gave me. But if you're ever lookin' around for someone new just let me know and we can hook you up!
(Also, RDJ was wonderful as Sherlock Holmes! I'll check out this Masterpiece Mystery version tho.)
Well, I now have to go see a neurologist. Any suggestions? Go an check out the Masterpiece Mystery one. It's great!
My mom's gonna ask around, I'll let you know!
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